List of Publications
- Journal Papers
E Okafor, M Oyedeji, and M Alfarraj, "Deep reinforcement learning with light-weight vision model for sequential robotic object sorting," in Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Dec. 16, 2023.
H Samma, S Al-Azani, H Luqman, and M Alfarraj, "Contrastive-based YOLOv7 for personal protective equipment detection," in Neural Computing and Applications, Nov, 2023.
P Li, M Liu, M Alfarraj, P Tahmasebi, and D Grana, "Probabilistic physics-informed neural network for seismic petrophysical inversion," in Geophysics, Nov, 2023.
A Hamida, M Alfarraj, and SA Zummo, "ESC-PAN: An Efficient CNN Architecture for Image Super-Resolution," in IEEE Access, in Jul. 2023.
MA Nemitallah, M Nabhan, M Alowaifeer, A Haeruman, F Alzahrani, M Habib, M Elshafei, M Abouheaf, M Aliyu, M Alfarraj, "Artificial intelligence for control and optimization of boilers’ performance and emissions: A review," in Journal of Cleaner Production, Jul. 2023.
N Iqbal, M Masood, M Alfarraj, UB Waheed, "Deep seismic cs: a deep learning assisted compressive sensing for seismic data," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, in Jul. 2023.
A Hamida, M Alfarraj, AA Al-Shuhail, SA Zummo, "Facies-Guided Seismic Image Super-Resolution," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, in Jun. 2023.
A Koeshidayatullah, S Al-Azani, EE Baraboshkin, M Alfarraj, "FaciesViT: Vision Transformer for an Improved Core Lithofacies Prediction," in Frontiers in Earth Science,Oct., 2022.
K Chikhaoui, M Elrashidy, M Alfarraj, AH Muqaibel, R Sadagah, A Sharqawi, "Automatic Hajj and Umrah Ritual Detection Using IMU Sensors," in IEEE Access, Sep., 2022.
A. Mustafa, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, "Joint Learning for Spatial Context-Based Seismic Inversion of Multiple Datasets for Improved Generalizability and Robustness," in Geophysics, Jun. 2021.
Y. Hu, Z. Long, A. Sundaresan, M. Alfarraj, G. AlRegib, S. Park, and S. Jayaraman, "Fabric Surface Characterization: Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Texture Representations Using a Challenging Dataset," in The Textile Institute, Mar. 12 2020. [ArXiv][GitHub]
M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, “Semi-supervised Sequence Modeling for Elastic Impedance Inversion”, Interpretation, Aug 2019. [ArXiv][GitHub]
Y. Alaudah, P. Michalowicz, M. Alfarraj, G. AlRegib, “A Machine Learning Benchmark for Facies Classification”, Interpretation, Aug 2019. [ArXiv][GitHub]
M. Alfarraj, Y. Alaudah, Z. Long, and G. AlRegib, “Multiresolution Analysis and Learning for Computational Seismic Interpretation,” The Leading Edge 37.6 (2018): 443-450. [ArXiv][GitHub]
Y. Alaudah, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, “Structure Label Prediction Using Similarity-Based Retrieval and Weakly-Supervised Label Mapping”, Geophysics, 2018.
H. Di, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, “Three-dimensional Curvature Analysis of Seismic Waveforms and its Interpretational Implications”, Geophysical Prospecting, Dec 2018. [ArXiv][GitHub]
Z. Long, Y. Alaudah, M.A. Qureshi, Y. Hu, Z. Wang, M. Alfarraj, G. AlRegib, A. Amin, M. Deriche, S. Al-Dharrab, and H. Di, “A comparative study of texture attributes for characterizing subsurface structures in seismic volumes,” Interpretation, 2018. [ArXiv][GitHub]
AlRegib, G., Deriche, M., Long, Z., Di, H., Wang, Z., Alaudah, Y., Shafiq, M.A. and Alfarraj, M., "Subsurface Structure Analysis Using Computational Interpretation and Learning: A Visual Signal Processing Perspective," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine35.2 (2018): 82-98. [ArXiv]
- Conference Papers
S Abbasi, M Alfarraj, D Borisov, V Jayaram, I Alam, B Sarosh, "A simultaneous denoising and event picking approach using supervised machine learning", in Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, TX, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep., 2023.
R Alhejaili, M Alfarraj, H Luqman, A Al-Shaikhi, "Recursions Are All You Need: Towards Efficient Deep Unfolding Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 18-22 Jun., 2023.
M Ali, MH Mohamed, A Alashwali, M Alfarraj, M Khalid, "Machine learning based solar power forecasting techniques: Analysis and comparison", in IEEE PES 14th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 Nov., 2022.
A Hamida, M Alfarraj, SA Zummo, "Efficient Self-Calibrated Convolution for Real-Time Image Super-Resolution,", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 16-19 Oct., 2022.
A Hamida, M Alfarraj, AA Al-Shuhail, and SA Zummo, "Efficient seismic image super-resolution," in Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, TX, 26-29 Aug, 2022.
A. Mustafa, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, "Spatiotemporal Modeling of Seismic Images for Acoustic Impedance Estimation," in Expanded Abstracts of the SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, Oct. 11-16 2020. [PDF]
M. Alfarraj and G. AlRegib, “Semi-supervised Learning for Acoustic Impedance Inversion,” Expanded Abstracts of the SEG Annual Meeting , San Antonio, TX, Sep. 15-20, 2019.
A. Mustafa, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib, “Estimation of Acoustic Impedance from Seismic Data using Temporal Convolutional Network,” Expanded Abstracts of the SEG Annual Meeting , San Antonio, TX, Sep. 15-20, 2019.
M. Alfarraj and G. AlRegib, “Petrophysical Property Estimation from Seismic Data Using Recurrent Neural Networks,” Expanded Abstracts of the SEG Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Oct. 14-19, 2018. [ArXiv][GitHub]
M. Alfarraj, H Di, and G. AlRegib, ”Multiscale Fusion for Seismic Geometric Attribute Enhancement,” SEG 87th Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, Sep. 24-29, 2017
[ArXiv][GitHub][Poster]H. Di, M. Alfarraj, and G. AlRegib , ”3D curvature analysis of seismic waveform and its interpreta tional implications,” SEG 87th Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, Sep. 24-29, 2017
[PDF] [Poster] [Code]M. Alfarraj, H Di, and G. AlRegib, ”Multiscale Fusion for Improved Instantaneous Attribute Analysis,” 79th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Paris, June 12-15, 2017
[PDF][Poster][Code]M. Alfarraj , Y. Alaudah, and G. AlRegib , ”Content-adaptive Non-parametric Texture Similarity Measure,” 2016 IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Montreal, Canada, Sep. 21-23, 2016
[ArXiv][GitHub][Poster]Z. Long, Y. Alaudah, M. Qureshi, M. Alfarraj, Z. Wang, A. Amin, M. Deriche, and G. AlRegib, ”Characterization of migrated seismic volumes using texture attributes: a comparative study,” Expanded Abstracts of the SEG 85th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct. 18-23, 2015
- Presentations
M. Alfarraj and G. AlRegib, "Estimation of Elastic Properties From Seismic Data Using Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling," at SIAM conference on Imaging Science, Toronto, Canada, Invited, Jul. 6-17 2020.
A. Mustafa, M. Alfarraj, and G. Alregib, "A Transfer Learning Approach to Rock Property Estimation Workflows," at AAPG 2020 Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston, TX, Jun. 7-10 2020.
M. Alfarraj, N. Keni, and G. AlRegib, "Property Prediction From Seismic Attributes Using a Boosted Ensemble Machine Learning Scheme," at SBGf/SEG Machine Learning Workshop, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.